Module: reconst/ihmt

Compute myelin indices maps from the MT and ihMT images. Please refer to to understand input format.


metamapGroovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ]
altpnlistList of files (path to all echoes) corresponding to the alternation of positive and negative frequency saturation pulse.atlpn.{nii,nii.gz}
altnplistList of files (path to all echoes) corresponding to the alternation of negative and positive frequency saturation pulse.altnp.{nii,nii.gz}
poslistList of files (path to all echoes) corresponding to the positive frequency saturation pulse.pos.{nii,nii.gz}
neglistList of files (path to all echoes) corresponding to the negative frequency saturation pulse.neg.{nii,nii.gz}
mtoff_pdlistList of files (path to all echoes) corresponding to the predominant PD (proton density) weighting images with no saturation pulse.mtoff_pd.{nii,nii.gz}
mtoff_t1listList of files (path to all echoes) corresponding to the predominant T1 weighting images with no saturation pulse.mtoff_t1.{nii,nii.gz}
jsonslistList of json files for acquisition parameters extraction in the case of a Philips acquisition, otherwise use acq_params. Should be a json file for the mtoff_pd and mtoff_t1 files, in that order.*.json
acq_paramslistList of values for acquisition parameters extraction. Should be in that order; flip angle of mtoff_pd, flip angle of mtoff_t1, TR of mtoff_pd, TR of mtoff_t1 (where TR = repetition time).
maskfileNifti brain mask.*mask.{nii,nii.gz}
b1fileNifti file containing a coregistered B1 map.b1.{nii,nii.gz}
b1_fitlistList of files for the model based B1 correction method.fitValues.mat


metamapGroovy Map containing sample information e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ]
versionsfileFile containing software versionsversions.yml
ihmt_mapsdirectoryFolder containing ihMT maps in native space. (MTR and ihMTR, plus MTsat and ihMTsat if mtoff_t1 was given)ihMT_native_maps
comp_mapsdirectoryFolder containing complementary maps. (intermediate files, B1 correction files, if extended option given)Complementary_maps


ScilpyThe Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab (SCIL) Python dMRI processing toolbox.


magnetization transfer imaging
inhomogeneous magnetization transfer

